Mayabunder, Dec. 16: For the first time in the history of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, a speedy trial of case under POCSO Act was concluded within a short span of time. Shri Jimut Bahan Biswas, Hon’ble Additional District & Sessions Judge – Cum- Special Judge under POCSO Act, Mayabunder today convicted one accused namely Biplab Pal, a private labour of Rangat, originally from West Bengal and sentenced him to undergo imprisonment for five years, for the offence punishable under section 10 of POCSO Act and also to pay fine of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) in default of payment which he will have to undergo R.I for three more months.
It is a heinous crime. This case has been matured before the Rangat PS on the basis of the recorded statement of the mother of the victim dated 23/11.2020. subsequently, after completion of investigation, I.O/ SI Satyawathi of PS Rangat Submitted charge-sheet on 08/12/2020 against the accused person before the Hon’ble Court and thereafter charges were framed against the accused on 11/12/2020.
This is the barbarity, inhuman activities of a co-villager upon an innocent victim-child of just seven years, who had been pulled by the wrongdoer in order to fulfill his sexual desire and took her inside the kitched and penetrated her sexually by fingering.
As per provisions u/s 357A read with section 33 (8) of POCSO Act and rule 7 of POCSO rule, Hon’ble Special Court has awarded compensation of Rs. 4,00,000/- (Rupees Four Lakhs) to the victim child which will be paid by Government from Government fund as provided 7(4) of POCSO rule.
The speedy trial of this case was concluded by Shri Keshab Ch. Mandal, Learned Special Public Prosecutor from prosecution side.