Port Blair, Dec. 20: Three beneficiaries of PMAY (U) have been selected for best aesthetically & innovatively built houses by GoI. Three beneficiaries of the BLC component of PMAY(U) have been shortlisted for award by Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, GoI as the best aesthetically & innovatively built houses.
The recipients of the award are:
Shri B Veera Swamy R/o Birdline
Shri. B.K.Pillai R/o Autum Phad
Late Etwari Devi R/o Autum Phad
The award will be conferred shortly by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs.
They are among the 25 beneficiaries identified for central assistance @ 1.5Lakh per beneficiary for constructing a pucca house on their own plot of land.
The assistance is provided under Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) component of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
The Prdhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Mission is aimed at providing “Housing for All” in urban areas by year 2022. It is worth mentioning that Port Blair Municipal Council achieved completion of 80% of the targeted construction of houses under Beneficiary Led Construction component of PMAY(U).
The proud owners of the dwelling units are ecstatic and have expressed their gratitude to the A&N Administration and the Government for enabling them to realise their dream of owning a ‘pucca house’ in the city.