Indian Coast Guard Evacuates Stranded Personnel from Kamorta Island
Port Blair, Jan 25: In a response to the request by civil administration, Indian Coast Guard undertook swift evacuation of stranded islanders from Kamorta to Katchal island on 24 Jan 21.
At about 0900 hrs on 24 Jan 21, an information was received from Assistant Commissioner, Nancowry regarding stranded personnel (approx. 40-50) at Kamorta awaiting urgent evacuation to Katchal Island. The personnel including women and children are residents of Katchal who travelled from Port Blair to Kamorta in DSS vessel ‘Nancowry’ and were disembarked at Kamorta on 23 Jan 21. In absence of any ferry from Kamorta to Katchal, these personnel were stranded at Kamorta with limited resources of food and lodging for such large number of passengers.
In a prompt response, Indian Coast Guard deployed ICGS Rajkiran for evacuation of stranded personnel. A total of 48 personnel (12 women, 07 children and 29 men) were embarked onboard Coast Guard Ship at Kamorta and were ferried to Katchal island. Necessary medical support, food etc. were provided to the passengers by the ship enroute. Post disembarkation of personnel at Katchal, the ship resumed its routine patrol in SGI.
The successful and immediate evacuation of stranded personnel is a showcase of unabated commitment of Indian Coast Guard in providing helping hand to civil administration in all spheres of operations befitting with the motto of Indian Coast Guard ‘‘Vayam Rakshamah-We Protect’’.