Port Blair, Feb 15: Campus Bird Count is an international event organised by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology based in United States of America. This year CBC 2021 was conducted between 12th to 15th February. This event was conducted in a successful manner by the Andaman Avian Club in 6 campuses of Andaman Nicobar Islands. Andaman Nicobar Police Training School, Science Centre, DBRAIT and CARI were the campuses covered in South Andaman District whereas in Middle Andaman and North Andaman, Forest Nursery Parnashallah and Agriculture Nursery Keralapuram were covered respectively by our club members and friends. This is the first attempt by the club to expand the Campus Bird Count to the other districts of Andaman.
The Campus Bird Count or the GBBC is one of the first online citizen science projects, also referred to as community science to collect information on birds in the surroundings. AAC is making all possible efforts to create awareness among the citizens of the Islands for the avifauna of the islands and its importance in the critical and fragile ecosystem. During the 4 day long CBC 2021, more than 60+ species of birds were recorded in total. The event was coordinated by Mr. Reuben K Paul and Mr.Salman Khan in South Andaman District along with Mr. D Sekahr and Mr Ram Vikas in Middle Andaman and North Andaman. Mr.Arun Singh the State Coordinator of CBC, Andaman & Nicobar Islands promises to a better organised Campus Bird Count in the coming years.