Port Blair, April 15: In order to ensure COVID -19 vaccination to eligible citizen, the team of District Administration consisting of Shri Suneel Anchipaka, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, South Andaman along with Assistant Commissioner (SA)/ SDM (SA) and mobile vaccination team attached to PHC Manglutan visited Rutland village. The team visited all above 45+ age group residents of Rutland village and convinced to take COVID vaccination to fight against the COVID -19 pandemic.
During the visit DC (SA) also interacted with villagers and gave a patient hearing to their issues. He assured them that all their issues will be taken up on priority and resolved at the earliest. He also visited the Police Out-Post and took stock of the facilities and instructed the outpost in-charge to be on high alert for any emergency. All the 45+ citizen of Rutland village have been vaccinated in mobile vaccination centre setup at Sub Centre Rutland. The villagers praised the move of the District Administration for providing COVID vaccination at the doorsteps of far flung area.
Similarly, District Administration also sent another mobile vaccination team to Panchayat Office, Beodnabad in partnership with Guru Ki Rasoi (NGO) and PHC Garacharma wherein 288 eligible citizens were vaccinated.
“Tika Utsav” drive received massive public participation and witnessed administering of 4,644 vaccine doses under South Andaman District on 14.04.2021. Till date 39,085 number of vaccine doses have been administered under South Andaman District. The District Administration requests public to keep continue their support and ensure 100 % vaccination for all eligible beneficiaries.
DC (SA) also requested general public to support administration in spreading awareness among the 45+ aged nears & dears to take Covid vaccine to restrain the spread of COVID-19 and reiterated the five-fold strategy of Testing, Tracing, Treatment, COVID appropriate behavior and vaccination to be meticulously implemented in South Andaman District.