ANI Administration Decides to Extend Tika Utsav for Attaining Max Coverage
Port Blair, April 15: About 5488 beneficiaries were vaccinated in 36 sessions and by about 85 teams in the entire UT on 1504.2021.
To have more positive connotation to the vaccination drive the A&N Administration has sent MV Kalighat Ship to Southern group of islands with a Medical Team from DHS on board under the leadership of Dr Ganesh Samaddar, CMO, NFSG. The team will vaccinate all the eligible passengers on board in both onward and return journey with COVID19 vaccine.
Special camp was organized for PBMC in Dr Ambedkar Auditorium, Port Blair and about 136 people were vaccinated. Shri Anandavardhan Mishra, DANIC, Joint Secretary (PBMC) inaugurated the session. Another camp was organized at Van Sadan wherein, Shri Tarun Coomer, IFS, PCCF inaugurated the program and 116 people were vaccinated.
Additional doses were airlifted to North and Middle and Little Andaman by Pawanhans helicopter to supplement the impeding shortage.
People’s participation is the core to the success of the Tika Utsav and therefore keeping in view the response of the general public the A&N Administration has decided to extend the Tika Utsav till completion of all the eligible beneficiaries. Vaccination site will be functional between 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM and for those who already registered the sessions may be extended accordingly.
All are requested to follow COVID appropriate Behavior by maintaining safe social distance “Do gaj ki doori”, washing hand and face intermittently with soap and water ensuring 60 seconds of contact of soap with skin and wearing appropriately masks in crowded places. In addition to the vaccination all should adopt the COVID Appropriate Behavior “Safai Dawai aur kadai”.
People are also informed that the COVISHIELD is safe and been administered to more than 65000 beneficiaries as on date in these islands without any complications. Only those who are pregnant and lactating mother may refrain from taking the vaccine. People who are allergic to certain drugs may consult doctor before taking the vaccine. Any person having any sickness may also take the vaccines on priority.