Cyclonic Weather and Heavy Rains Doesn’t Deter the Spirits of the members of the HRS

Port Blair, May 23: The Hindu Rashtra Shakti's participation in the society's welfare activities is laudable and praiseworthy. Right from distributing masks to conducting awareness programs on vaccination, HRS has taken many efforts for the well-being of the society. In spite of the risks involved, the members of the HRS team never turned their backs to any hazardous works. When the bodies of the Covid victims were left to its own fate even by the family members, the HRS team took the responsibility of performing the final rituals and gave them a dignified farewell irrespective of any caste, creed or religion.

On the request of the residents of Badmash Pahad made to Shri Bishnu Biswas, State Vice President and Smti Tapasi Saha, District President ( South Andaman) Mahila Wing / District Secretary, BJMM,  ANI to provide ration items in containment zone, the team of HRS & Ration Rasheed arranged to collect the items from various sources and with the help of the local ladies of Chouldari, the items were neatly packed and organized under leadership of Smti Tapasi Saha for distribution on next day.

On 23/05/2021, the volunteers of Hindu Rashtra Shakti along with Shri Rasheed distributed ration items to about fifty needy families of Badmash Pahad, which has been recently declared as containment zone, and the adjacent areas like Gopal Nagar, Chouldari. Shri Amar Kumar Singh, National Secretary, Shri Rakeshwar Lall, State President, Shri Bishnu Biswas, State Vice President, Shri Angshuman Roy, State General Secretary (Youth), Smti Tapasi Saha, District President ( South Andaman) Mahila Wing, and social worker like Shri Sandeep, Smti Deepali Singh took active part in making the distribution both successfully and safely.

Eminent Social workers Ration Rasheed undertook the responsibility for arranging the Masala items and others items like Rice, dal and pulses etc. were purchased from Market by HRS team.

The ration bags comprised of staple items like Rice-, Iodised salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder, jeera, pulses, wheat flour & soyabean, masala etc. The bags were packed under the strict vigil of the staff of PS & revenue following the Covid safety guidelines.