Port Blair, July 1: Continuing its crackdown on the illicit liquor, Handia and illegal sale IMFL, the district police of North & Middle Andaman has been conducting regular searches in jungles. In the just ended month of June, the teams of various police stations, headed by SHOs and sub-inspectors conducted 34 such search operations in the jungles. In these search operations, around 4500 litres of Lahan and Handia was destroyed. The strict vigil over the history sheeters and known bootleggers has also been identified. All the history sheeters are regularly being checked by the beat staff, making it hard for them to be involved in any illegal activity.

In the month of June, the district police has registered a total of 32 cases for the violation of Excise Regulation, in which around 38 bottles of various quantities of IMFL and 118 beer cans have been seized. Apart from this, more than 300 kgs Handia and 44 ltrs illicit liquor has also been seized.

With the good work being done by the police, the locals are coming forward and sharing information regarding the bases made by bootleggers in jungle for fermentation and processing.