Port Blair, July 1: To take stock of the impact of the second wave of Covid-19, assess preparedness to combat the anticipated third wave and to review the medical facilities available in various places in the islands, the Member of Parliament, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma, along with Shri V. Candavelou, Commissioner–cum–Secretary (Health) and Dr. Omkar Singh, Director of Health Services today visited Car Nicobar.

Immediately after arrival, the Member of Parliament held a meeting with the tribal leaders and discussed various issues relating to their welfare. He held a meeting at the Carnic hospital and based on the request of the tribal leaders raised the issue of posting of a Gynecologist at Car Nicobar hospital. Till such time a full-time Gynecologist is posted, teams of Gynecologists from the GB Pant Hospital may be deputed once in a month to look after the patients. He also raised the issue of operation of the Dialysis unit at the hospital and improving health facilities at this hospital before the health authorities. The MP expressed his happiness that 73% of Nicobar population has been vaccinated.

On a request by the people for plying of ship to Car Nicobar so that hundreds of Nicobar people stranded at Port Blair can visit their home place, he assured them that he will take up the issue with the appropriate authorities. People also complained about the poor BSNL services in Carnic while appreciating that Airtel has been providing excellent service in two villages of Lapthy, Sawai Car Nicobar.

Later, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma also visited Hut Bay and interacted with the PRI members and the general public. Residents of the area requested him to remove the lockdown restrictions from 6.00 am to 1.00 pm. He assured them that he will take up the issue with concerned authorities.

A Nicobari resident of Harminder Bay requested the MP for the operation of cargo vessels so that dry cobra can be transported to Port Blair/Mainland. The MP assured them to take up the issue with the shipping department. The MP also requested the Health authorities to post eye technician and install X-ray machine at PHC Hut Bay. The MP appreciated that health department has been doing remarkably in providing health facilities in remote rural places.