Port Blair, Oct. 3: The Member of Parliament, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma with a view to mark the celebration of International Day for Older Persons which is celebrated on 1st of October every year organised functions at various locations in South Andaman District. Elderly people were honoured for their contribution towards society and development of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

To honour the elderly persons, functions were organised by the Member of Parliament in the Community Hall at Buniyadabad on 30.09.2021, at Bimlitan, New Bimlitan and Sippighat on 01.10.2021, at Haddo on 02.10.2021 and at Bambooflat on 03.10.2021.

The functions were attended by large numbers of elderly persons residing in and around the place.

Addressing the senior citizens present, Sharma said that we are very much thankful to the elderly people of the Islands for gifting us a homogeneous society, which lives in perfect harmony and peace irrespective of caste, colour, creed and religion. He said it for this reason our Islands are very often referred as 'Mini India'.

The Member of Parliament further said that the development what we see around us are the result of relentless service, hardwork and sacrifices made by our old aged persons who despite several constraints made our Islands a lovely place to live.

The Member of Parliament requested the old aged people present in venue of the function to speak out their grievances and assured to make all possible efforts to get it resolved. He also honoured them by showering flower petals and by presenting Shawl. Among the prominent senior citizen who addressed the gathering were Smt. Shanta Laxman,  Shri. K. Ganeshan, Smt. Pushpanjali Raju and Smt. Ratna Kannan.