Port Blair, Feb 8: The District Magistrate, N&M Andaman District, Smt. Anjali Sehrawat in an order issued today has withdrawn the imposition of night curfew in the district. Similarly, public transport and buses have been allowed to ply with 75% capacity. Sale and service of liquor at licenced premises permitted as per timings approved for respective licences, closure of all parks/playgrounds/stadiums/gyms/yoga institute, religious places, all tourist spots stands withdrawn.

Prohibition of Social/ Political/ Sports/ Entertainment/ Academic/ Religious/ Festival related gathering and congregation has also been withdrawn.

The above relaxations arc conditional to the strict adherence of COV1D appropriate behaviour including wearing of mask, maintaining social distance, cough etiquettes, provision for thermal scanning, handwash and sanitizers.

Any non-adherence of COVID appropriate behaviour shall be liable to a fine up to Rs. 25000/-(Rupees twenty five thousand only) in case of management committees of concerned gatherings/religious places, tour operators, sports organisers and up to Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) for individual violators.

In view of the emergent circumstances, this order is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general.  Any disobedience of the above orders shall invite penal action u/s 188 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 against the violator) and fine shall also be imposed as per order issued by this from time to lime.

This order has come into force with effect from 8th February, 2022 and shall remain in force till further orders.