I am pleased to know that the "International Day of Forests" is being observed on 21st March, 2022 in these Islands on the theme "Forests and sustainable production and consumption".

Forests are not merely our prized possession - they guarantee life on mother earth by providing proper life-supporting environment. Many interdependent species of plants and animals dwell beneath the forest canopy which plays a critical role in maintaining the balance in nature. Though we are fortunate enough to be blessed with rich forests, we should also understand that the ecosystem of our Islands is very fragile. We are committed to safeguard the forest wealth of our Islands for sustainable development and a healthy liveable environment for prosperity.

I urge the people of these Islands to realize the importance of forests, and trees outside forests, for the benefit of future generations.

I appeal to all the people of these Islands to protect and preserve the forests and rich biodiversity of our islands and to support the Administration in this endeavor.

Admiral D K Joshi


Lt. Governor, A & N Islands

& Vice Chairman, Islands Development Agency