Port Blair, July 18: As per the direction of the Chief Secretary, A&N Administration, the District Registering Authority (DRA), South Andaman along with the Health Department has conducted inspections of eight private hospitals under South Andaman District for monitoring of the health services under the Clinical Establishment Act by special teams consisting of doctors, revenue officials and police personnel.
During the inspection the teams observed various short comings with respect to the clinical establishment’s guidelines and necessary directives were given to the said private health centres. The inspection teams also warned and issued directions to the establishments to strictly follow the guidelines to ensure the safe disposal of the bio-medical wastes. It was further directed that the rate charts for various services being offered by the said establishments should be prominently displayed for the benefit of the general public.
As part of the observation made by the inspection team, the District Registering Authority shall be issuing directives to all health centres operating in South Andaman District to ensure that all short comings are rectified. In this regard, the Chairman, DRA will be conducting a meeting with all private hospital to ensure that the rules and regulations of the Clinical Establishments Act are followed in true letter and spirit.