Port Blair, Aug. 22: Applications/ Nominations have been invited for National Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities for the year 2021, as also for the year 2022 separately through online mode only on the centralized portal of Ministry of Home Affairs (www.awards.gov.in) which is open w.e.f. 15th July, 2022 to 28th August, 2022. Applications in physical form will not be accepted for these National Awards.
The nomination should contain all relevant details specified in the format available on the above portal including in narrative form clearly bringing out the notable and inspiring achievements.
Eligibility criteria and other details are available in the simplified and rationalized Guidelines for National Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities available on the website of the Department (www.disabilityaffairs.gov.in) as also on the Award Portal (www.awards.gov.in), a press release from Directorate of Social Welfare said.