Port Blair, Aug 28: The Department of Industries is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme christened ‘Prime Minister’s Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprise (PM FME)’ launched by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan with the objective to strengthen backward/ forward linkages, common infrastructure, packaging, branding & marketing of products pertaining to micro food processing enterprises.
Under this scheme, financial assistance in the form of credit-linked subsidy @ 35% of the eligible project cost with a maximum ceiling of Rs.10 Lakh per unit would be provided to individual entrepreneurs/ Proprietorship Firms/ Partnership Firms/ Farmer Producers Organization (FPOs)/ NGOs/ SHG’s/ Co-operatives/ Pvt. Ltd. Companies who have established or propose to establish micro food processing unit.
The scheme is implemented through the District Resource Persons engaged for each district to provide handholding support to micro-food processing enterprises including assistance in preparation of Detailed Project Report, documentation and getting bank loan.
The modified eligibility criteria to avail the benefits are as under:
- Existing or New micro food processing enterprises for expansion/upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises or setting up of new micro food processing enterprises.
- Beneficiary contribution should be minimum 10% of the project cost.
- Applicant should be above 18 years of age.
- Applicant/ enterprise those who have availed bank loan under other Subsidy Linked Scheme of Govt. are also eligible for bank loan under this scheme. Applicants are also eligible for Interest subvention and Top-up convergence with other relevant Government Sponsored scheme.
- Applicants/ Entrepreneurs of existing units under stress and qualifying for restructuring by the banks are also eligible for up-gradation / expansion of the unit.
Interested new/existing entrepreneurs willing to set up food processing units may apply online at https://pmfme.mofpi.gov.in/pmfme/#/Login. For further details, the entrepreneurs may visit the Directorate of Industries, Middle Point, Port Blair or any other branch offices located at Bakultala, Diglipur, Little Andaman and Car Nicobar on all working days between 9 am to 4 pm or contact over Phone No. 03192-234360.