Port Blair, Oct. 6: Proud moments for the Islanders as A Chirag Kumar a class VII student of NCS Port Blair and Chittiboina Mageswari, a class VII student of GMSSS Port Blair have brought laurels to the A&N Islands by securing third position in the Unrated category & Under 12 Girls category respectively in the International FIDE Below 1600 Rated Chess Tournament held at Bhimavarm, West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh from 04.10.2022 to 06.04.2022.
Altogether 291 players from different states of India participated in the tournament which held for three days in classical mode over nine rounds.
Meanwhile B Konda Rao of A & N Islands officiated in this event as National Arbiters (NA) and secured his first norm for FIDE Arbiter Title.