Port Blair, Oct. 9: Shri Vishal Jolly National Executive Member BJP & Former State President BJP-ANI demanded grant of Adhoc Bonus to all working class in a letter addressed to Chief Secretary, A&N Administration.
In his letter he mentioned that the Central Government has issued an Office Memorandum vide OM No. 7/24/2007/E.III(A) dated 06th October 2022 for Grant of Non – Productivity Linked Bonus (adhoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the Financial Year 2021 – 22. The OM has given the opportunity to grant adhoc bonus to the casual employees under clause 2 (iii) for grant of adhoc Non-PLB. In terms of the said provision, the DRMs, Contract and Temporary employees who are directly serving the A & N Administration for more than 3 years continuously or more than 240 days in a calendar year, would be squarely covered. Copy of the aforementioned Office Memorandum is annexed herewith for your ready reference.
He requested to give necessary directions to the concerned authorities to release the adhoc bonus to all temporary employees to enable them to celebrate Deepawali.