Port Blair, Oct. 13: The Sports Authority of India (SAI) is implementing the Sports Promotional Schemes across the country to identify talented sports persons and nurture them to excel at National and International competitions. With the above aim, SAI is establishing a SAI Training Centre at Modern Sports Complex, Lapathy, Car Nicobar in the disciplines of football, athletics, weightlifting and cycling.
The first selection trials will be in the discipline of football in the age group of 10 to 18 years on Oct. 20 & 21, 2022 at 9 am at SAI Training Centre, Modern Sports Complex, Lapathy, Car Nicobar for inducting 30 girls in the residential scheme. The selection trial dates for other disciplines will be intimated soon.
Those sportspersons, who belong preferably to Andaman and Nicobar Islands and fulfill the criteria, are eligible for the selection trails. The selection will be based on age verification, medical fitness, skill tests of specific discipline, STC battery of tests etc.
The facilities provided under SAI, STC residential scheme include free lodging, free boarding/ diet (Rs 300/- per day), sports kit, competition exposure, educational expenses, medical and insurance & miscellaneous expenses (Rs 12000/- per annum).
The sportspersons willing to attend the selection trials in the discipline of Football (girls) have been asked to report at SAI Training Centre, Modern Sports Complex, Lapathy, Car Nicobar on Oct.20 & 21 along with the documents viz. Original Birth Certificate, Aadhaar Card, Sports Certificate and four passport size photos. For further details or enquires regarding selection trails email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the coaches viz. Shri Mohammed Sadique, Centre In-Charge, STC Port Blair, Ph. No. 9531879321 and Shri F E Andrew, Chief Coach (Football), STC Car Nicobar, Ph. No 9940261980.