Port Blair, Oct. 20: The direct recruitments proposed to be conducted by various Departments of Andaman and Nicobar Administration could not be conducted in the recent past due to COVID-19 pandemic. In the meantime, many aspiring candidates have become over aged and they could not apply for direct recruitments notified and to be notified in near future. Hence, there have been requests from various quarters to relax the upper age limit for direct recruitments notified and to be notified in near future by the various Departments.
After careful consideration of the requests, the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, UT Andaman and Nicobar Islands has granted relaxation of upper age limit by two years over and above the upper age limit prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules, as a onetime measure, for the direct recruitment of all the Group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted) posts to be notified by the Departments concerned. The relaxation shall be applicable for the first direct recruitment to be made for each cadre by the Departments concerned after issue of the order or it will be in force until 31.12.2023, whichever is earlier. The Departments have to follow the other conditions prescribed by the Finance Department before notifying the vacancies with the onetime relaxation. The age relaxation available to various categories shall also be applicable over and above the relaxation now given.