Port Blair, Nov. 16: A delegation of AATO comprising of its President, Shri. M. Vinod, General Secretary Shri. K. Hamza and Joint Secretary, Shri. Saikat Biswas met the Chief Port Administrator today. The delegation appraised CPA of the problems being faced by the tour operators and tourists at Haddo Jetty.

The CPA was requested to either waive off or simplify the parking fee collection procedure for tourist vehicles, which otherwise is resulting in traffic congestion in front of the main gate. Vinod also requested CPA to deploy additional CISF staff to expedite the checking, scanning, and frisking procedure during busy morning hours.

The delegation also requested CPA to address the concerns of Parasailing Operators, who are being burdened with excess manning of the crew due to the classification of parasailing boats as passenger vessels under IV act. Unlike other states like Goa and Karnataka, parasailing boats in Andaman are required to have 4 crew as per IV manning and 3 crew as per NIWS manning.

The CPA has assured to look into the concerns and initiate necessary actions at the earliest.