Port Blair, Nov. 30: Shri Vishal Jolly National Executive Member BJP & Former State President BJP-ANI has written a letter to Chief Secretary A&N Administration for issues pertaining to power supply, street light, non –availability of generator etc. which are seriously affecting the lives of people belonging to Katchal, Teressa, Chowra & Nancowry group of Islands after concluding his tour to Nancowry Group of Islands.
In his letter he raises following genuine facts regarding appalling condition of services rendered by the Department of Electricity at Katchal, Terrasa, Chowra & Nancowry group of Islands, which requires immediate intervention.
- In Dering Island, since past 4 months there is complete blackout as there is no power supply at all since then. People of this island are forced to face such a situation due to absolute failure of the Electricity Department’s inability to provide services.
- It was further reported & observed that the power Generator has been brought to Port Blair for causing repair and since past several months, the same is kept at Port Blair for repair.
- In the village namely Sola Tekri, there are around 60-70 families residing and there are hardly 3-4 houses which does have the power supply. All the rest of the houses does not have any power supply.
- No street lights are available in this village.
- Likewise, in Meenakshi Ram Nagar village as well as E-Wall village also there is no street light.
- In the entire Teressa Island, there were two power generators and one is non-functional since past more than 2 years. The other generator is being managed by using it for merely for a period of 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM and thereafter from 6.00 PM to 5.00 AM. Rest of the period remains completely black out and if this generator also stops working for any reasons, then the entire island will face complete black out.
- In this Island also the situation is identical like that of Teressa. There is only one DG set presently installed for the entire Island and the same hardly supplies electricity for 16 to 17 hours. Another DG set of the capacity of 125 KV would seriously be required for uninterrupted proper supply of electricity.
- No street light in any village.
- Power supply is mostly provided only during school functioning hours and on weekends i.e. Saturdays and Sundays, no power supply is given, when the schools are not functional. Apart from that, the power supply is made for a period of 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM and thereafter from 6.00 PM to 5.00 AM.
- Only one generator is functional out of two and that too constantly require repairs and maintenance. The other one has been brought to Port Blair for causing repair and since past more than 2 years the same is reportedly kept at Port Blair for repair.
- All street lights require replacement.
- Around 20 kms stretch of power cables are reported to be internally damaged to such an extent that is beyond repair and therefore requires immediate replacements.
- Official vehicles are not working and due to this, the repair and maintenance works are not being carried out.
Further he mentioned that the vision and mission of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Mananiya Narendra Modi Ji that Water, Electricity, Road, Health facilities and every other basic amenities of life reaches every villages and connects with every citizen of our country.
Accordingly, he requested to sort out these issues at the earliest, in the interest of welfare of people and to ensure that people residing in these isolated Islands resides conveniently and without any struggle.