Enthusiastic students show their talent in quiz competition and working models exhibition

Diglipur, Feb 28: National Science Day was celebrated at the rural Model Senior Secondary School Sitanagar today, involving students in the different competitions and activities. The teachers and students garlanded the portrait of the great Indian Scientist Sir C.V. Raman and paid tribute to the first Asian Scientist who had won the Nobel prize in 1930.

Addressing the gathering of students, the Senior Physics teacher Shri Peter Arockiyasamy said that the discovery by Sir C.V. Raman in the field of quantum physics was very much acclaimed by the world in the year 1928, and was felicitated with the most reputed Nobel prize. Sir C.V Raman unfolded the science for the sky and sea being blue, with his famous theory of “Scattering of light”, which was later termed as the ‘The Raman Effect’, Shri Peter said. He explained how in spite of so many constraints in the pre-independence era, Sir Raman never compromised with his dream and kept on researching on his subject and finally succeeded in getting the breakthrough. His discovery has vast application areas in different fields of life including health.

Elaborating the theme of this year’s Science Day, Smti R. Bindu said that to propagate the message of universal brotherhood and peace the theme of National Science Day this year is “Global Science for Global Well-being”. Science should be for construction and not for destruction. She said that the aim of science teaching in School Education is to develop scientific attitude, critical thinking and problem solving abilities among students. She called upon the students to strive hard in making their dreams come true, and do not hesitate to seek the guidance of their teachers in the quest of the truth.   

Later a Science Quiz Competition was organised in which the students of Class IX took part with great enthusiasm. After 5 rounds of questioning, the team of Akash Das and Tushar Ram of Class IX B came out victorious. The duo of Aditi Bepari and Nipa Jana of the same Class IX B succeeded in securing runner’s up position. The quiz was impressively moderated by Smti R. Bindu the senior science teacher of the school.

Students displayed their working science models on this occasion, which they had developed during the Science Week. The model based on the concept of energy transformation made by Sourabh Haldar, a student of Class VII, drew the attention of the audience. The models were prepared and developed under the guidance of Science teachers Smti Sameera and Smti Neera Kumari. Sharing his experience, the enthusiastic student Sourabh said the physical phenomena happening around, always motivate him to establish the scientific reasons.

Congratulating the winners of the quiz and the students who displayed their science models, the school Incharge said that the aim of the Model Science Centre established in the school is to provide space to the students to do experimentation and develop their science models, transforming theoretical concepts into practical utility. Students should spend their leisure time doing some practical things in the centre, he added.