Port Blair, May 7: The Member of Parliament, Shri. Kuldeep Rai Sharma has requested the Chief Secretary to deploy at least three vehicle ferry vessels at Middle Strait to minimize waiting time and provide some relief to ATR (NH4) passengers.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary, Andaman & Nicobar Administration, the Member of Parliament said that ATR (NH4) commuters have to wait for two to three hours at Middle Strait, waiting for their turn to reach Baratang via Vehicle Ferry Vessels.

He mentioned that this has become a serious issue for passengers traveling to North & Middle Andaman, particularly families with children, women and elderly people who find it extremely difficult to wait for such a long time under scorching sun and humid conditions.

He also mentioned that presently only two vehicle ferry vessels; one large and one small are placed in Middle Strait, which are unable to cater to the rush. In the past, on several occasions the Directorate of Shipping Services plied three vehicle ferry vessels at Middle Strait to minimize the waiting time of vehicles and facilitate fast movement of vehicles across Middle Strait, which had yielded good results.

With the Humphery Bridge now ready, the Member of Parliament requested the Chief Secretary of Andaman & Nicobar Administration to consider placing at least three vehicle ferry vessels at Middle Strait to provide some relief to ATR (NH4) passengers.

He added that fast movement of traffic in Andaman Trunk Road will also benefit the Administration by minimizing the movement time of government vehicles, cargo vessels, oil tankers, and hence it will be beneficial for both the general public and administration.