Port Blair, Sept. 4: In the wake of a recent unfortunate incident at the Atlanta Point parking area in Port Blair, the Andaman Association of Tour Operators (AATO) has submitted an earnest appeal to the Andaman & Nicobar Administration for compensation to the vehicle owners affected by the natural calamity.

The incident, which occurred due to extreme winds and adverse weather conditions, witnessed a colossal tree uproot, resulting in substantial damage to approximately six to seven vehicles and, regrettably, causing injuries to one individual.

What adds to the gravity of the situation is that many of these vehicles, integral to the tourism industry in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, have been acquired by the region's young entrepreneurs. These purchases often involve borrowed capital from banks, translating into hefty monthly EMIs. Such unforeseen events, therefore, not only bring distress but also pose a significant threat to the employment and financial stability of these aspiring business owners.

Understanding the unpredictability of natural calamities and their potential to disrupt lives and livelihoods, the Andaman and Nicobar Administration has provisions for compensation in such scenarios.

M Vinod, President of the Andaman Association of Tour Operators, emphasized the importance of supporting these affected vehicle owners. "These young entrepreneurs have invested their aspirations and resources into the tourism industry, which is vital to our islands. We believe that offering them compensation is not just a financial relief but also a means to safeguard their employment and ensure they can continue contributing to our region's economy," he stated.

The Andaman Association of Tour Operators requested the Andaman and Nicobar Administration to review the incident and consider providing appropriate compensation to the vehicle owners affected. Such support would prove invaluable in helping those who have seen their vehicles damaged and whose livelihoods now hang in the balance due to this unexpected natural calamity.