Diglipur, Sept. 5: Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma, Member of Parliament celebrated Teachers' Day with great enthusiasm and gratitude in the presence of the dedicated teachers and enthusiastic students of Durgapur, VKV, and Sita Nagar schools in the Diglipur region.

During this special occasion, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma recognized the remarkable achievement of these schools by presenting them with certificates for achieving a remarkable 100 percent pass rate in the board exams. This acknowledgment highlighted the exceptional commitment of both teachers and students to academic excellence.

In the spirit of Teachers' Day, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma honored all the teachers present by offering them flowers as a token of appreciation for their tireless efforts in shaping the future of the students.

Sharma also took the opportunity to inspire the young minds present. He encouraged every student to plant a tree within their school premises, emphasizing the importance of nurturing and caring for it daily. This initiative aimed at instilling a sense of environmental responsibility and sustainability among the students.

Furthermore, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma emphasized the critical importance of staying away from drugs, urging students to make responsible choices and prioritize their health and well-being.

In his address, he encouraged all students to engage in sports and physical activities to maintain good health and foster a competitive spirit. He stressed the value of being strong and independent, reminding everyone to show respect to their elders and teachers.