Port Blair, Sept. 29: The Member of Parliament, Shri. Kuldeep Rai Sharma held a meeting on September 27, 2023, with the Chief Secretary, A&N Administration. During the meeting, he raised pressing concerns regarding the deplorable condition of NH4, which has been causing great deal of hardships for the residents of North & Middle Andaman, as well as NH4 commuters.

Expressing deep concern for the deteriorating state of NH4, Shri. Kuldeep Rai Sharma requested the Chief Secretary to initiate a daily ferry service between Port Blair and Rangat, as well as Rangat to Port Blair.

This proposed ferry service aims to provide a vital alternative transportation mode for the residents of Middle Andaman, spanning at least 12 Panchayats, he said

The MP emphasized that such a daily ferry service would be a boon for the general public, offering a direct and convenient route to Port Blair without the need to endure the challenges posed by NH4.

He added that this initiative would greatly benefit vulnerable groups, including patients, senior citizens and children, ensuring a hassle-free journey. Additionally, it would ease the burden on NH4 commuters.