Port Blair, Oct. 3: The South Andaman PRIs held a meeting today with the aim of forming an association to address the issues of strengthening and supporting the initiatives taken by North Andaman. The meeting was highly productive, with participants engaging in fruitful discussions and outlining a plan for future action to safeguard the rights of PRI (Panchayati Raj Institutions).

During the meeting, various concerns and challenges faced by PRI's were discussed, including the need for greater empowerment, improved financial resources and enhanced decision-making authority. The participants recognized the importance of unity and collaboration among PRI's to effectively advocate for their rights and bring about positive change in their respective regions.

As a result of the meeting, a plan of action was devised to move forward with the objectives of the association. This plan includes organizing awareness campaigns, conducting capacity-building programs and advocating for policy changes to strengthen the role and functioning of PRI's.

The formation of this association marks a significant step towards ensuring that PRI's in South Andaman are adequately supported and empowered to carry out their responsibilities effectively. By working in tandem with the initiatives of North Andaman, this association aims to create a strong network of PRI's that can collectively address the challenges faced by local governance structures and champion the rights of PRI's at various levels.

Overall, the meeting concluded on a positive note, with participants expressing their commitment to actively participate in the association's activities and contribute towards the betterment of PRI's in South Andaman.