Port Blair, Oct. 10: A delegation of AATO led by its President, Shri M. Vinod met Shri V. Devendar Yadav, Airport Director at his office today and discussed about the short timing of two minutes for vehicles entering Airport as published.

The Airport Director clarified that the Vehicles Entering Airport will be given eight minutes for dropping and necessary instructions for the same is already given to the concerned.

The delegation also discussed about increasing of flights and introducing of night flights. To this the Director told that the work is going on in full speed and things will be better soon.

The other members of the delegation were Shri K. Hamza, Gen. Secretary, Shri Vivek Singh, Vice President, Shri Robert Johnson Joint Secretary.

Shri M. Vinod expressed his gratitude towards the Director for sparing his valuable time to meet the AATO Delegation amidst his busy schedule.