Port Blair, March 17: Police personnel from the Andaman and Nicobar Police have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in the Cyber Commandos Exam, securing top positions at the national level.

The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), MHA, New Delhi has successfully conducted an examination for Cyber Commandos, targeting in-service police officers across the country. This pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing the cybercrime combating capabilities within law enforcement agencies. The examination was held at various centers nationwide, attracting participation from dedicated officers determined to strengthen India's cybersecurity infrastructure.

07 Police personnel from different units of A&N police participated and cleared the National Cyber Commandos Exam. Their outstanding performance not only reflects their dedication to the field but also underscores the efficacy of the training and support provided by the Andaman and Nicobar Police.

The Cyber Commandos Exam is a crucial step in the nation's efforts to strengthen its cybersecurity framework and equip law enforcement agencies with the necessary tools and expertise to tackle cybercrimes effectively. The success of above Police personnel exemplifies the potential within our law enforcement community to address evolving cyber threats.

As we move forward, I4C, in collaboration with state police forces, will continue to spearhead initiatives aimed at enhancing cyber capabilities and fostering a safer digital ecosystem for all citizens.