Port Blair, May 17: Hon’ble Lt. Governor, A&N Islands and Vice Chairman, Islands Development Agency, Admiral D K Joshi, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, NM, VSM (Retd.) today led the islanders in paying rich tributes to Great Andamanese who were killed in the ‘Battle of Aberdeen’ fought on 17th May, 1859 between the British colonial rulers and the Great Andamanese.

A solemn function was organized by the Department of Art & Culture at the ‘Memorial of Battle of Aberdeen’ at Water Sports Complex wherein the Hon’ble Lt. Governor placed wreath at the Memorial to pay tribute to Great Andamanese. This was followed by floral tributes by the Chief Secretary, A&N Administration, Shri Keshav Chandra, IAS, DGP, Shri Devesh Chandra Srivastva, IPS, Senior Officers of A&N Administration, Chief of Great Andamanese Tribe, Ms. Surmai and the Members of Great Andamanese Community and general public.

Later, the Hon’ble Lt. Governor, A&N Islands interacted with the Great Andamanese Tribe especially students who were present at the function to pay tribute to Great Andamanese at ‘Memorial of Battle of Aberdeen’.