Order Issued in the Interest of Overall Safety and Security of the Islanders

Port Blair, May 19: Keeping in view the increase in crime rate in the Islands and the apprehension that anti-social elements may make their hideouts clandestinely in the residential/commercial areas of the South Andaman District and North & Middle Andaman District and also to check the unlawful activities of these people who can cause breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquillity besides posing grave danger to human life and safety and injury to public property the District Magistrates of both the districts of Andaman have issued orders U/s 144 of the Cr. P. C as an emergency measure.

To keep some check/vigil over such unscrupulous elements, it is necessary on landlords/owners/managers of the residential/commercial establishments that while renting out or sub-letting the premises shall rent out or sub-let any accommodation to any person, he/she has to furnish the particulars of the said tenants or Paying Guests to the local Police Station.

Also no landlord/owner/tenant/manager or the residential, commercial etc. establishments shall employ any servant/househelp, unless and until he/she has furnished the particulars of the said servant(s) to the local Police Station. All the persons who intend to offer accommodation on rent or employ any servant/ househelp shall inform in writing the particulars of tenants, paying Guests & Servants to the Station Officers concerned in whose jurisdiction the premises fall. Any breach of this order would invite action Under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.

The order has come into force with effect from zero hours on 18/05/2024 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days and is applicable to those also who already have domestic servants/maids and has not informed the Police yet when the order is in force.

This order has been issued by the District Administration, South Andaman and North & Middle Andaman so that anti-social elements in the guise of ordinary tenants, domestic servants & Paying Guest may not cause harm to the citizens and that immediate action is necessary for prevention of the same.

The Deputy Commissioners stated that very strict view will be taken if anyone does not comply with the said 144 Cr. P. C. Order