Port Blair, May 20: The Member of Parliament, Andaman & Nicobar Islands has requested the Chief Secretary, A&N Administration to resume supply of food to patients of CHC Kamorta.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary, the Member of Parliament mentioned that the patients of CHC Kamorta are not being provided with food, causing considerable distress and hardship.

He added that the CHC Kamorta serves as a critical healthcare facility for people of remote areas like Teressa, Chowra, Pilpilow, Kakana, Daring, Munak, Champin etc. Patients from these villages often travel long distances to receive medical treatment and many of them require admission.

He pointed out that for the past three months, the residents have reported a complete lack of food supply for the patients at CHC Kamorta. This situation forces the patients to either rely on family members, who must undertake long and arduous journeys to bring food, or depend on the goodwill of local families near the CHC.

“Many patients do not have any relatives close to CHC and also there is no private restaurant around CHC Kamorta,” he added.

The Member of Parliament added that this lack of essential sustenance is not only causing undue suffering to the patients but also jeopardizing their recovery and well-being.

In light of these pressing concerns, he requested the Chief Secretary to supply food to the patients at the CHC Kamorta, so that patients could recover well and their struggle for arranging food from outside ends.