Port Blair, May 21: In order to mitigate human crocodile interface, a series of awareness programme was conducted by South Andaman Forest Division at Beodnabad, Jodakilan Dinghighat, Fish Landing Centre at Guptapara, Hobdypur, near Fisheries Jetty at Collinpur, Miletilak, Ranchi Basti (Tushnabad), Namunaghar, Lohabarack, Jirkatang No.2 and Burmanallah to create awareness among the local populace/ villagers about the precautionary measures to be taken to avoid conflicts with crocodiles.

During the awareness programmes, the villagers were advised not to dump fish waste, meat leftovers and carcass of animals in the nallah/ creeks as it attracts crocodiles to the nallahs flowing adjacent to human habitation.

Further, following the incessant rain occurring in these Islands, there may be chances of crocodiles straying in the flooded areas adjoining nallahs and creeks. Such presence of crocodiles in the flooded areas increases the chance of man-animal conflict.

The general public have been advised to stay away from the flooded areas and not to set off their domestic animals on free grazing near the nallahs/ flooded areas.