Port Blair, May 26: The Directorate of Health Services has issued an advisory regarding the critical issue of self-medication and its associated risks. Self-medication, the practice of obtaining and using medications without guidance of a physician and a valid prescription, poses significant dangers to individuals and communities alike. Therefore, it is need-of-the-hour to launch a massive public awareness campaign to educate general population about risks and harms of self-medication.

Self-medication may seem convenient, especially for minor ailments or symptoms perceived as common. However, it can lead to serious health consequences, including:

Misdiagnosis: Without proper medical assessment, individuals may misdiagnose their condition and administer inappropriate treatment, leading to delays in proper diagnosis and treatment.

Adverse Drug Reactions: Improper use of medicines without the knowledge of action, indication and dose may lead to serious adverse drug reactions which may at times be life threatening.

Drug Interactions: Mixing medications without professional guidance can result in harmful drug interactions, with a potential for adverse effects as well as reducing effectiveness of treatment.

Masking of Disease Symptoms: Self-medication may alleviate symptoms temporarily, masking underlying disease that may worsen and require medical attention. This can lead to progress of undiagnosed and untreated conditions.

Development of Antibiotic Resistance: Inappropriate use of antibiotics, a common practice in self–medication not only contributes to antibiotic resistance, rendering these crucial medications ineffective against bacterial infections, but also makes a patient prone to infection with resistant organisms.

Addiction and Dependency: Many medications, especially opioids and sedatives, carry a risk of addiction and dependency when used without medical supervision. Self-medication with these substances can lead to substance abuse disorders and other health complications.

All the general public have been requested to avoid self-medication; the practice of obtaining and using medications without guidance of a physician and a valid prescription. Say ‘No to antibiotics without prescription’.