Port Blair, May 27: The Member of Parliament, A&N Islands, Shri. Kuldeep Rai Sharma has requested the Chief Secretary, A&N Administration to allocate few newly procured buses for left out remote Islands of Nicobar District.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary, the Member of Parliament appreciated the Administration for the recent induction of 21 newly procured buses by Andaman & Nicobar Administration.

He said that this commendable initiative will undoubtedly enhance the public transportation system and significantly benefit the residents of our Islands.

As per the details provided, as per his knowledge 4 new inducted busses will be sent to Diglipur, 3 each in Mayabunder, Rangat, Baratang, Ferrargunj, and Port Blair, while Car Nicobar and Hutbay STS Units will each receive 1 bus.

“This strategic deployment is a positive step towards improving connectivity and accessibility across our region,” he said.

“However, I would like to take this opportunity to urge the Administration to consider the unique challenges faced by the residents of remote Islands Nicobar District. Given the geographical remoteness and the absence of alternative transportation facilities, the public in these areas are entirely dependent on State Transport Service (STS) buses for their daily commuting needs. The current allocation, while beneficial, may not fully meet the high demand and critical need for reliable transportation in these underserved regions”, added the MP.

He thus requested the Chief Secretary to allocate a few more buses in the left out Tribal Islands of Nicobar District.

He mentioned that increasing the number of buses in these remote areas will not only address the transportation needs of the Islanders but also contribute to the overall socio-economic development by facilitating better access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities for the Tribal People.