Port Blair, May 31: The Member of Parliament, A&N Islands, Shri. Kuldeep Rai Sharma has requested the Chief Secretary, A&N Administration to construct a shed for visitors, evening walkers, locals and tourists in the Marina Park area.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary, the Member of Parliament said that Marina Park area is a popular spot for visitors, evening walkers, locals, and tourists who come to enjoy the natural beauty and tranquillity it offers.

He mentioned that there is no adequate shelter in the entire Marina Park area. This poses a significant inconvenience, especially during heavy rains. Visitors, evening walkers, nature lovers, and holiday seekers have no place to take refuge, leading to discomfort and potential safety concerns.

In light of this, he requested the Chief Secretary to consider the construction of a nature-friendly shed or similar shelter in the Marina Park area, without compromising with the natural beauty of the area.

He said that this would greatly benefit the community and enhance the experience for all who frequent the park. “Providing such a facility would not only improve the park's infrastructure but also demonstrate our commitment to the well-being and comfort of our residents and visitors,” he said.