Port Blair, June 2: The Andaman & Nicobar Police successfully conducts a "Know Our Island" session as a part of the on-going Holistic Summer Camp 2024. The session was led by the esteemed historian Dr. Pronob Kumar Sircar, renowned for his extensive knowledge and engaging narratives about the history and legacy of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Holistic Summer Camp 2024 is designed to nurture the all-round development of young participants, encompassing their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through such variety of activities and educational sessions, the camp aims to provide youth with the guidance and inspiration needed to excel in their chosen fields.

The "Know Our Island" session drew an enthusiastic attendance of more than 200 participants, including children, youth, and Police personnel. Dr. Pronob Sircar’s session delved into the interesting history and legacy of our Islands, providing attendees with a deeper understanding and appreciation of their homeland's past.

Participants expressed great enthusiasm and eagerness to learn about the Islands' heritage, reflecting the session's success in igniting a sense of pride and curiosity about local history. The interaction with Dr. Pronob Kumar Sircar enabled the participants to gain valuable insights into the Islands' role in India's freedom struggle, thereby fostering a stronger connection to their cultural roots.

The Andaman & Nicobar Police is committed to continuing such educational initiatives that enrich the knowledge and development of the youth. The Holistic Summer Camp 2024 continues to offer a broad spectrum of activities designed to equip participants with the skills and confidence needed to pursue their ambitions and contribute positively to society.