Port Blair, June 7: Kashthuri's game on day 6 of the ongoing World Girls' Chess Championship ended in a draw today. In the sixth round, she faced a tough opponent, International Women Master (WIM) Balabayeva Xeniya, from Kazakhstan with an international rating of 2246. Kashthuri, who has an international rating of over 1700, played tactfully against her Kazakhstan opponent and managed to draw the game with the black pieces and scored half a point against WIM. This is already her second draw against WIM in this tournament. Earlier she drew against WIM from Armenia in the fifth round.

At the end of the six rounds, she has scored 4.5 points and has so far remained unbeaten in the championship, with a Performance Rating of over 2300 (which means that she is playing as if she is a player of 2300 rating, although she is just over 1700 Rating)

The competition will get more intense as each round progresses, with five rounds remaining before a rest day on June 8, 2024.

The championship will culminate on 13.06.2024 with prize giving ceremony. The top ten players of the championship will be awarded.