Port Blair, June 13: The Chairman, Congress Campaign Committee, A&N Islands, Mr. TSG Bhasker has apprised the Chief Secretary of the present condition of M.V Swaraj Dweep and its poor maintenance.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary on Thursday, Bhasker emphasized that Shipping is the Lifeline for the Islanders especially during the peak season when the ship travel between Island-Mainland sectors remain in high demand but to travel in ship has now become a nightmare for our Islanders due to the lack of basic facilities inside the ship.

He highlighted that the common toilet on board is in a deplorable state with broken doors and lack of cleanliness. Also, the non-functioning of the air conditions, lack of water facility, broken roofs and non-functioning of water taps adds to the misery of poor Islanders.

He said that it is high time to prioritize the living conditions and hygiene on board, especially on ships like M.V Swaraj Dweep which serves the needs of the isolated communities of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Hence, he requested the Chief Secretary to issue necessary orders to carry out assessment and repair works in M.V Swaraj Dweep so that passengers opting to sail in the ship in future do not face any inconvenience.