Advise Women to Screen Themselves Regularly

Port Blair, June 13: With the recruitment of trained competent surgeons in ANIIMS, a 61-year-old female, who presented with a mass with ulceration of overlying skin in left breast from over one year. On local examination, the treating surgeons diagnosed it to be breast cancer. The patient was admitted in GB Pant Hospital under Department of General Surgery, where investigations like Ultrasonography, CT Chest and biopsy were done to arrive at a final diagnosis.

The surgeon trained for operating upon cancer patients conducted complete removal of affected breast along with adjoining lymphatic and other tissues. The patient recovered well in the post-operative period and was discharged with no sequelae/complications thereafter. Further investigations on the dissected breast and other tissue showed an aggressive and malignant type of cancer that was sensitive and amenable to medical treatment.

Since ANIIMS has recently set up a comprehensive Chemo Immunotherapy Unit for medical management of Cancers, the patient has been put on chemotherapy treatment and 1st cycle of chemotherapy has been started on 30th May 2024. The patient is on follow up for further management.

It is further to inform the general public that GBPH now has a new mammography machine where the women should get themselves screened regularly (once a year or as advised by the doctor) for any lump or mass in the breast for timely detection and early management of such cases.

With the addition of the facility of surgical and medical management of cancers in the hospital, most of the cases, except those requiring Radiotherapy, can be managed within the Islands by the team of trained doctors of ANIIMS.