Port Blair, June 16: Under the initiative of “Cyber Surakshit Vibhag”, the Cyber Crime Police Station, A&N Islands conducted an impactful cyber awareness session at the Likhabali Auditorium, Brichgunj. The event, which took place on 13.06.2024, was specifically designed for the personnel of the Andaman & Nicobar Command and it witnessed a robust attendance of over 350 participants.

The primary focus of the session was to enhance digital literacy and bolster cyber security awareness among the attendees. Key topics included safe online practices, phishing detection, honey trapping and data protection strategies. This educational initiative aims to equip personnel with the required knowledge to identify and counter cyber threats, thereby fostering a secure digital environment and underscoring the community's commitment to cyber safety.

This session marks the third significant event under the weekly initiative "Cyber Surakshit Vibhag." The first session conducted by Sh. Devesh Chandra Srivastava, IPS, Director General of Police, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, in the presence of CINCAN, Air Marshal Saju Balakrishnan AVSM, VM, on 15.04.2024, at the Andaman & Nicobar Command for ANC officers. During his address, Shri Devesh Chandra Srivastva had expressed his enthusiasm for initiatives focused on the Digital India Mission, guidelines on information security practices for government entities, ongoing trends in cybercrimes, their modus operandi, anecdotal stories, prevention measures, and safety tips. He emphasized that due to the remote and strategic geographical location and close proximity to foreign countries, in addition to traditional and ongoing cybercrimes, cases of honey traps are on the rise in the A&N Islands. He also elaborated on the modus operandi of such cases involving Pakistan Intelligence Operatives. Furthermore, he highlighted the importance of educating both the esteemed audience and the public on how to protect themselves in the digital age and discussed various strategies to enhance online security.

The CINCAN appreciated the efforts of the DGP, A&N Islands, for modernizing the police force in a short span of time and equipping them to tackle cybercrime. He emphasized upon the importance of spreading the message among the defense personnel who may fall victim to honey traps or other cybercirmes.

Following this, extending the reach and impact of this vital program, on 29.05.2024, the Andaman and Nicobar Police, conducted a similar session at Regional Head Quarter, Indian Coast Guard, Port Blair. The session was conducted by Sh. Lakshay Pandey, DANIPS, Dy.SP Cyber Crime, with an aim to sensitise the Indian Coast Guard personnel on the nuance of the cyber security and honey trapping. The lecture was attended by nearly 200 ICG Officers and personnel. During the session various ongoing trends of cybercrimes, the precautions, do’s and don’ts while engaging in IT platforms were highlighted to safely navigate the digital world and to safeguard themselves from honeytraps.

For any assistance, information or enquiry, please contact: Cyber Crime Police Station, A&N Islands, over National Helpline No.1930 and A&N Police Helpline No.9531856083 or visit cybercrime.gov.in