Mayabunder, July 1: Celebrating the launch of New Criminal Laws on 01/07/2024, North & Middle Andaman District Police has spearheaded a series of exciting events aimed at raising public awareness and engagement.

Under the stewardship of all Police Stations across the district, a comprehensive array of events unfolded, highlighting the significance of these new legal provisions. The events conducted by each Police Station, designed to educate the community on the implications and applications of the New Criminal Laws. Bike Rally has been organized by PS Diglipur, emphasizing community involvement and spreading awareness throughout the region. The bike rally witnessed enthusiastic participation from local residents, community leaders, and members of the police force. Riders, adorned with banners highlighting key aspects of the new laws, traversed through major routes in Diglipur, drawing attention and sparking conversations among onlookers.

In addition, a Walkathon has been conducted by PS Mayabunder, promoting health and well-being while educating participants about their rights and responsibilities under the updated laws. Participants walked the designated route, holding banners that highlighted key aspects of the new laws, drawing attention and sparking conversations among onlookers.

Moreover, a Run for Fun has been organized by PS Rangat, combining fitness with education, encouraging public participation and interaction. Runners, adorned with banners and placards highlighting key aspects of the new laws, created an energetic and informative atmosphere as they raced through the main streets of Rangat.

These events have not only educated our citizens but also strengthened our community bonds.

The launch of the new Criminal Laws marks a significant step towards enhancing public safety and justice in North & Middle Andaman District. The events held in connection with this milestone underscore the district's commitment to proactive law enforcement and community engagement.