New Delhi, Dec. 15: The School of Military Affairs, Strategy and Logistics (SMASL), Rashtriya Raksha University is organizing a commemoration event titled, “Vijay Diwas 2020: Dawn of the Golden Jubilee Year” on the 16th of December 2020. The occasion of Vijay Diwas commemorates the spectacular victory of India over Pakistan, the liberation of Bangladesh, and the inspiring valor and saga of brave Veterans who fought in the 1971 war.

The School is organizing the commemoration event on 16th December 2020 starting at 1100 hours to 1330 IST. Commodore Abdul Wahed Chowdhury and Lt Col Quazi Sajjad Ali Zahir, Veterans of the Liberation War are to be esteemed speakers on the occasion. Indian Veterans such as Air Marshal VK Bhatia, Brigadier BK Ponwar and Rear Admiral K Mohanan will grace the commemoration as speakers. Prof (Dr) Bimal N Patel, Vice Chancellor RRU and Member National Security Advisory Board of India will preside over as Chief Guest.

Commodore Chowdhury, BU BB s/m (G) psc Commodore is a Naval war Veteran from Bangladesh. He led 'Operation Jackpot' at Chittagong Port and cut the life line of Pakistani Forces by sinking ships in Karnaphuli river with limpet mine.

Lt Col Quazi Sajjad Ali Zahir, Bir Protik is an Army War Veteran from Bangladesh. In 1971, he was an officer of the Pakistan Army and posted in Sialkot. When the Independence war broke out, he defected from the Pakistan Army crossing Jammu- Kashir border and joined the Liberation War.

Air Marshal VK ‘Jimmy’ Bhatia, PVSM, AVSM, Veer Chakra & BAR is an Indian Air Force Veteran.. He will share his experience with flying more than 20 different missions in the enemy territory during the two wars that included counter air, interdiction, close air support, photo reconnaissance etc, destroying three enemy aircraft on ground and numerous other military hardware and installations of the enemy.

Brigadier BK Ponwar, AVSM, VSM is an Indian Army Veteran. As a young officer he carried out several Special Missions across the International Border into East Pakistan prior to the 71 ‘War’. During operations he was the leading column commander of the troops that entered Dhaka on 16 Dec 1971 the day the war ended.

Rear Admiral K Mohanan, AVSM is an Indian Navy Veteran. He was a Captain onboard INS Vikrant involved in the naval blockade of East Pakistan. A naval aviator he was involved in the bombings at Dhaka during the war.

Lt Gen (Dr) Subrata Saha Former Deputy Chief of Army Staff, Director, SMASL, Rashtriya Raksha University, and Member National Security Advisory Board of India stated that the “University visualizes a continued engagement with war Veterans to enrich the academic exploration of our students with live stories of sacrifice, saga and glory”

Commemoration events like this bring together the Liberation War veterans and Indian veterans who had fought shoulder to shoulder during the War. The School hopes to instill in a spirit of nationalism and patriotism among our countrymen and to pay homage to soldiers who have paid with their blood so that we might have peace today