Port Blair, Jan 4: The Govt. of India, Ministry of Science & Technology is implementing two flagship schemes namely Women Scientists Scheme and DST-Young Scientists Fellowship Scheme. The Women Scientist Scheme has been introduced to give women a strong foot hold into the scientific profession and to encourage women in S&T domain, preferably those having a break in career and not having regular employment, to explore possibility of re-entry into the profession and research field. Any Women Scientist between the age of 27-57 years who had a break in their career but desired to return to mainstream can avail benefit out of this scheme. The scheme is open throughout the year, therefore there is no last date of application.
The Young Scientist Fellowship Scheme provides opportunities to young scientists for pursuing existing and innovative research. The scheme is focused on young scientists and technologists who have adequate background and training in the field of Science & Technology and encourage academic institutes, national labs and other S&T institutions to avail the benefit under this scheme.
Interested Women Scientists and Young Scientists and Young Scientists who wish to avail the benefit of the schemes can access the details of these schemes on the website www.dst.gov.in For any assistance in this regard, they can contact the Department of Science & Technology, Dollygunj at mobile number 9434270824 on all working days or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..