Port Blair, Sept. 7: The National De-worming Day (NDD) is implemented biannually (February & August) with the aim to reduce the load of intestinal worms and related morbidity in children and adolescent from 1-19 years. The main objective of the NDD is to improve the overall wellbeing nutritional status, access to education and quality of life. Under this programme, all children and adolescents from 1-19 years are dewormed through administration of deworming tablet through the platform of Schools and Anganwadi Centers.
The National De-worming Day, 2022 (Second round) will be implemented in A&N Islands on Sept.10, 2022 followed by Mop up on Sept.17, 2022. During this Round, Albendazole Tablet will be administered through Schools and Anganwadi Centers. All parents have been requested to ensure that their children are administered tab albendazole at Schools and Anganwadi Centers.
The general public have also been requested to extend their cooperation to ANMs, Anganwadi Workers and ASHAs.