Campaign to be Held at Wandoor on Sept. 9
Port Blair, Sept. 7: The Directorate of Industries jointly with the A&N Islands Khadi & Village Industries Board organized an Awareness Campaign-cum-People’s Education Programme on Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme, PMFME and other Govt. sponsored self-employment schemes at the Gram Panchayat, Chouldari, South Andaman district in association with the Directorate of Agriculture, Fisheries and PRIs in the presence of Block Development Officer, Ferrargunj today.
The Executive Officer (I/c), A&NI KVIB highlighted about the role of Directorate of Industries, A&NI KVIB, other Govt. Departments and other likeminded agencies towards Rural Industrialization and employment generation through setting up of micro-enterprises duly availing finance under these schemes. All unemployed / underemployed youths of the Chouldari Gram Panchayat were appealed to avail the benefits of Govt. sponsored schemes and were motivated to setup their self employment ventures under manufacturing / service / trading sectors.
The Manager (FT), Industries Deptt. briefed on the benefits available under the PMFME scheme, LANIDS, START-UP & MUDRA SCHEMES and also described on the formalities to be undertaken while applying under these schemes.
The Pradhan, Chouldari Gram Panchayat also motivated the students group to make optimum utilization of the Govt. sponsored.
Further, the Board will also be organizing similar awareness programme on PMEGP, PMFME and other Govt. schemes at the Gram Panchayat, Wandoor on Sept. 9, 2022 at 10 am. All the residents of respective Gram Panchayat have been appealed to attend the programme, a press release received from A&NIKVIB said.