I am delighted to learn that 16th November is being observed as the "National Press Day" in A&N Islands along with rest of the country. This was the day on which Press Council of India started functioning as a moral watchdog for the media. The theme for this year's celebration is ‘The Media's Role in Nation Building'.

A free, fair and responsible press plays a vital role in any democratic country. The introduction of advanced technology in mass communication has made media more powerful. As fourth pillar of democracy, Media has an exalted responsibility and instrumental role to play in facilitating the development of our nation while achieving the objectives enshrined in the Constitution of India. In contemporary times, values like journalistic ethics and highest professional standards while disseminating unbiased news have assumed more importance than ever before.

To commemorate the National Press Day on 16th November, 2022 in the AmritKaal of India's Independence, I extend my warm greetings to all members of media fraternity and call upon them to contribute wholeheartedly towards Nation Building.

Jai Hind!

Admiral D K Joshi


Lt. Governor, A & N Islands

& Vice-Chairman, Islands Development Agency