It is brought to notice of electricity consumers and general public that urgent preventive maintenance in Switchgear of power transformer of 33 / 11 KV Phoenix Bay Sub-Station will be carried out on 21.04.2023 (Friday), from 0700 Hrs. to 1000 Hrs.  In this connection, power supply in the following area may be got interrupted on as and when required basis from 0700 Hrs. to 1000 Hrs. on 21.04.2023 as per schedule given below:-

21.04.2023 (Friday) 0800 Hrs. - 1000 Hrs.: Rajasthan Mandir, ALWH Colony, Hawaghar Jn., Dudh Line, Nayagaon, Bargat Line, GPRA Colony & Carbyn’s Junction, part of Junglighat, Vijay Baugh, Dairy Farm complete, Dairy Farm Junction, CPWD Complex, Lamba Line, Ranchi Tekery, School Line complete and part of Minnie Bay   

The time mentioned in the schedule is tentative, if the work completes earlier the feeder will be charged accordingly.

The inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.