Port Blair, May 12: The ANTCC Campaign Committee Chairman Mr TSG Bhasker on Friday demanded for providing frequent sailing of vessels to Campbell Bay Island.

In a letter addressed to the Director of Shipping Services, A&N Administration, Mr. Bhasker stated that the sailing of vessels to Campbell Bay is erratic and not in time.

He informed that the last sailing for Campbell Bay was on 1st May, 2023 which went via Campbell Bay to Chennai and now the next sailing is scheduled on 12th May, 2023.

"People who have come to Port Blair for their medical treatment and emergency requirements are finding it very difficult to stay in Port Blair because of the very high cost of living", he said.

He added that this is also a peak time for the school going students of Campbell Bay who were studying in Port Blair to return back to their homes as their holidays have commenced. These students want to reach their homes at Campbell Bay and stay with their parents.

Mr. Bhasker further said that the scheduled sailing on 12th May, 2023 is already full and many of the passengers have not got their tickets.

Hence, he requested the Director of Shipping Services to review the situation and take necessary measures for the convenience of the residents of Campbell Bay.