New Delhi, Nov. 2: The ace Cyclists of A & N Islands have brought laurels for the Islands with their stupendous performance in the ongoing 37th National Games-2023 hosted by Goa. The National Games began on Oct. 26 and will continue till Nov. 9, 2023. In the 500 mtrs Time Trial event for Men, David Beckham has clinched Gold and in the same event for Women, Celestina has bagged Silver Medal. The event was held today at Indira Gandhi Stadium Complex, New Delhi. With this performance, the cyclists of these Islands have registered their proficiency in the event.

Many more events of cycling and other athletics are yet to be played in the Games and the Island team is confident of adding more medals to the tally.

A contingent of 44 members is representing these Islands in the mega Athletic event. Athletes from these Islands are taking part in Cycling, Kayaking & Canoeing, Rowing, Sqay Martial Art and Athletic events. More than ten thousand Athletes from 28 States and 8 Union Territories are participating in the event.